Showing 6 Result(s)

Canvassing For JB Pritzker This Weekend?

Hey everybody: Canvassing for JB Pritzker will take place this Saturday from 10-1. Meet at 307 W 4th North, Mt. Olive. Canvassing will be in Mt. Olive, Benld, Gillespie and Staunton. Meet up again Sunday at same location to walk from 1-3! For more info call 217-691-7831. Be there or be square!

Macoupin County & The NRA

Living in Macoupin County gives us the blessings of living a rural lifestyle. We know our neighbors, enjoy the country scenery and send our kids to schools where we know everyone from the superintendent to the lunch ladies. Our beloved rural lifestyle also means guns and the NRA. How do we justify gun ownership in …

Where do we go from here?

What you see depends upon where you stand. I was thinking about that old political axiom the other day when someone asked me what was the future of the Democratic Party here in Macoupin County and nationally? To me, at least, the answer was pretty clear. But first a short story from the last election. …

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